I was a greeter at my church a few weeks ago. Arrayed in my mask in keeping with CDC guidelines, as well as six-feet social distancing, I was game-on! I love being a greeter, from my own experience of being greeted by a friendly face. It’s heart-warming to notice being noticed. At my church, which holds 1,200 people, we are at 50% -- following all the rules with an empty pew between pews and at least six-feet apart in the pews. I’m still trying to get used to the masks – especially when my breath fogs up my glasses.
I amused myself in between greeting people to take a look at our weekend bulletin. The title on the front of it was “Faith Over Fear”. I stopped in my tracks. “Faith Over Fear” is the caption on my black face mask. I think: “God, you are doing your best to get us, ME, to get that message, aren’t You?”
Of course He is. Our Gospel reading that weekend, was about the storm – the winds and the waves -- that increased in hostility to the boat that was carrying the disciples to the other side of the sea. Jesus was exhausted after feeding the 5,000+, but He couldn’t help but notice them struggling from His peaceful place on the mountain. I have a clear visual of this scene because of my trip to Israel and on my favorite place -- the Sea of Galilee. It still amazes me that that relatively small body of water could blow up such a storm – but it did that day. Jesus walked to them on water and the disciples thought He was a ghost. But, like He said time and again – through the angels who said at His birth “Do not be afraid” and to His Mother when Gabriel appeared to tell her she would be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and bear a son, “Do not be afraid” and to us today and every day: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
He is our same Lord and Savior today Who sees us -- right where we are and He knows our fears, concerns and anxieties. He speaks to us the same words of reassurance and hope that He spoke to His followers: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." May we rest in His promise that He is with us and will faithfully take us through the storms and to the other side
Thank you Donna, for sharing your beautiful reflection! Interested in joining the Greeter Ministry? Contact Alejandra Vizcaya at avizcaya@stfoafrisco.org