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Wedding ring exchange


Preparing for Matrimony 

Congratulations on your decision to get married in the Catholic Church!
The following information should help you as you begin the process of preparing as a couple for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Marriage requires a spiritual preparation time of at least six months.

1. Prenuptial Interview

  • Please fill out our information form HERE. (Do not worry if you do not have all of the documents yet, fill in what you can to help us prepare for the meeting.)

  • Schedule an interview with Donelle Wiechman or call me at 214-619-1057

  • At the interview we'll complete the application.

  • A date can be scheduled at this interview.

2. Gather Documents

a. Newly issued baptismal certificates – originals are required, we cannot accept copies or images

b. Complete the FOCCUS questionnaire and review the report with a facilitator – we will provide the login information

c. Complete a marriage preparation program (we have sponsor couples, in person, and online options)

d. Complete Natural Family Planning (NFP) Course  link: Dallas NFP class times - Google Docs

e. Complete Affidavit : Freedom to Marry – this must be done at a Catholic church.  We can help with this.  

f. Provide a copy of your birth certificate

g. Provide a copy of identification (driver’s license or passport)

h. Unexecuted Marriage License (30 days prior to wedding date)

Convalidations and other specific circumstances may require additional documentation, we will review what is required in the  

prenuptial interview appointment.

3. Plan the Liturgy

a. Liturgy Sheet (45 days prior)  {I would like to link two pdfs to this, one English and one Spanish}

b. Music Sheet (45 days prior)  {I would like to link three pdfs to this, one for word services, one for masses, and one has the selection list}

Smiling wedding couple outdoors


Donelle Wiechman

Sacraments Manager

(972) 712-2645 main church line

(214)619-1057 direct line

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